In the entire world, human beings are considered as the most superior because of their sentiments and emotions. Everyone in the world is not lucky as you, they have to undergo different difficult situations and they are deprived from all the happiness of their life. We the people from “Aantarnad” just trying to save some destitute people from their ill fate. As you know, we are taking care of the little children and the old helpless people together.
We are trying our best to confer them the basic necessities and the base of their life which is education. At the same time, we have to take care of the old people who are left alone by their dear ones. We are not only trying to comfort them, but also trying to give them moral strength for living. In the day of tough economy it is really a challenging task for us. But only because of benevolence of some kind persons we are still forwarding in our noble mission.
Please come forward and help us with your fullest support. You also have kids and also octogenarian people as parents in your home, think of them and donate with full your heart. Smaller contributions also can make a great change to our society. Please come forward and help the unfortunate to smile and live their life fully.